Every Bridesmaid is Special

Every Bridesmaid is Special

Well Brides, now that you have “said yes to the dress” it is time to say yes some more. But this time for your besties!! But how do you shop one look for your uniquely beautiful Bridesmaids? The answer is, you don’t! Bridesmaids come in all shapes,...


The wedding hashtag trend is one of the most controversial ones amongst today’s Brides. Do we want our guest on their phones the whole time or do we want everyone to capture moments and be able to relive all of the precious memories?Here is our take,...

Another Groomsman, or is that the Groom?

We’ve all been there, socializing at the cocktail hour before the big ceremony, asking discretely, “so which one is the Groom?”. For all of the “plus ones” and “distant family friends” out there, we get it. And Brides, we know...

The Weekender

Welcome to the 21st century, where the Bride-To-Be also has Work-To-Be. But let’s first praise all of the working Brides out there who, somehow, manage to balance kicking MAJOR butt at work with planning an UNBELIEVABLE wedding (you the real MVP). But being...
5 Ideas to Show Your Bridesmaids Some Love

5 Ideas to Show Your Bridesmaids Some Love

Photo | Jacob MurphyThe idea of a wedding party standing up at the altar with the bride and groom is to signify the people who believe in the couple and stand behind their union of marriage. While that is still (hopefully) true today, bridesmaids are put through the...