Give your social media a little “face lift”

Social media is often your customers’ first impression of you; and we all know, first impressions are everything in business. There is no better time to take an objective look at your brand and give your social platforms a little update.

Here is a simple list of 6 things you can start doing today:

1. Your logo should be your profile photo across all platforms.

Your logo is “face” of your business, it is the first way your brand is communicated. Take a minute to check the following social media platforms and make sure the same logo is used on all your profile photos; Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Pinterest.

*don’t have all the above platforms? Get them! They are completely FREE, and you do not have to post regularly (or even at all!). But it is important for your business to be seen on each one. Plus it’s FREE backlinks & free visibility!

2. All contact information should be publicly listed & easy to find.

All business pages have the ability to publish your email address and phone number. If you prefer not post to post your number, make sure your email is very easy to find.

A good rule: always communicate how your customer prefers. For example, if they send you a message on Instagram, and that is where they are most comfortable, spend some time responding to them there. Then, if the conversation moves toward meetings or proposals, you can ask for their email and move the conversation if needed.

3. Your bio & message should be clear & consistent throughout all platforms.

A good rule of thumb for perfecting your brand message: can you easily explain what you do to a 1st grader? Keep your bio SIMPLE. If you offer multiple services, try to focus on the most important ones.

Social media does NOT drive conversions, meaning very rarely will someone book you directly from social. These platforms are to inform and connect with potentials clients, and to encourage them to go to your website or to reach out for more information.

4. Professional quality photos, please!

If you offer a professional service or product, your photos should properly reflect that. Cheap photos can give customers the impression that your quality is low and your effort is even lower.

Connect with local photographers in your area and make friends with the photographers from past weddings. And ALWAYS give them credit when posting (tagging them both in the caption and in the photo itself, not just a mention).

Although professional photos are best, some camera phones do take very high quality photos when used properly. Take the time to clean your lens, learn about good lighting, and download a couple editing apps that can make the photo look even better.

5. Sharing is caring!

Another way to make sure you are posting quality images is by sharing images of your work that others have posted. Make sure to reach out to that person or company to ask for permission, and again: always credit everyone involved! PLUS, they might share some of your work in the future, too!

6. Give love to get love.

If you want more people to interact with your posts on social media, you need to give them some love, too! The only way to grow your organic engagement is to spend time interacting with other accounts.

Set aside a minimum of 30 minutes per day to like and comment on other people’s posts. Search specific hashtags to find new businesses like yours, and genuinely say nice things about the things you like! You might be surprised how far these simple interactions with others will take your engagement.

NOTE: if you see something that upsets you or that you are offended by, instead of commenting, simply unfollow or keep moving. As a business, spreading negativity will only come back to negatively impact your brand.

Let’s stay connected! Follow The Wedding Hustle on Instagram and subscribe to our podcast where we share our advice & tips for growing your wedding business. Have a great week!

Photo by Dave Puente Photography

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Give your social media a little “face lift”