3 Easy Tips to Avoid Becoming a Bridezilla!

We all know what it’s like to be under stress. Planning your wedding can turn anyone into a bridezilla! To make your wedding planning process run more smoothly, consider these helpful tips to keep you calm under pressure!

Everyone has their go to tricks to help them relax and unwind. Take a nap or read your favorite magazine. Do whatever you need to do to put yourself in a relaxed state of mind. If wedding planning is stressing you out, take a break from the phone calls and organizing and go on a date with your fiance. Take a break from wedding planning talk and get back to the romance. This will leave the two of you feeling refreshed and ready to take on another decision that needs to be made for your wedding day!

Know yourself
What is it that really sets you off? What makes you lose your patience? It is helpful to know what your triggers are so that the bridezilla beast does not emerge! If you feel yourself starting to “lose it”, take some time to think before you speak. I know it is easy to react quickly to situations. You will soon find that holding your tongue and calming yourself down, will pay off! You are on your way to becoming the graceful, tranquil and peaceful bride you have always envisioned!

Look at the big picture
Life is full of different seasons, and wedding planning is one of those seasons. This season of planning your perfect wedding will soon come to an end. Try your best to truly live in the moment and enjoy every part of this amazing experience with your fiancé. Because before you know it all you will have left from your big day are pictures, videos, and memories! These memories will live on and will remind you of the calm and cool bride that you were!


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3 Easy Tips to Avoid Becoming a Bridezilla!