5 Things You MUST Put In Your Wedding Day Purse

5 Things You MUST Put In Your Wedding Day Purse

1. Mints: You will be talking to a lot of people from the moment you wake up until the moment you leave the reception, so keeping mints in your purse will keep your breath smelling fresh all day long.



2. Tissues: Your wedding day is an emotional rollercoaster and there is no escaping the tears. Having extra tissues in your purse will definitely come in handy. You could even have a cute, personalized handkerchief for these special moments!



3. Lip Gloss: With all of those kisses from your hubby, best to have some extra gloss handy!


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4. ID: If you and your bridal party plan on going out for a quick drink in between the ceremony and reception, you quite possibly will need your ID.



5. Bobby Pins: In case you or your ladies hairs decide to not cooperate all day. Even a small brush or comb could come in handy at some point or another!



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5 Things You MUST Put In Your Wedding Day Purse