8 Ways To Keep The Kids Busy At Your Wedding

In order to keep the little ones busy and the parents content and enjoying themselves, it might be a good idea to add a couple of these fun ideas on your wedding day.

1. I Spy
Give the young-ins a disposable camera and a list of things to take pictures of. This will surely keep them entertained for awhile and hey you might even end up with some pretty awesome pictures!

Some ideas for things to “I Spy” –
A Beautiful Dress, Bride and Groom Together, Favorite Decoration, Worst Dancer In Action, Holding Hands, A Funny Face, Flowers
Photo Credit: Bustle Events

2. Game Room/Table
If there’s an option for a separate game room or corner of the reception center, utilize it with a few puzzles, board games, TV, ping pong tables…etc.
Photo Credit: Jody Savage Photography

3. Arts + Crafts
All kids love to color. Having a separate table for the kids to sit down and create pictures or other little crafts will keep them busy for quite some time.
Photo Credit: Weddings By Jen

4. Bubbles
Kids love to blow bubbles and the little ones will definitely enjoy this. BUT if you do choose to incorporate this, remember to keep it away from the dance floor or high traffic areas. The floor gets sticky and people could slip.3_little_girls_in_white_blowing_bubbles_at_wedding.jpgPhoto Credit:Sarah Aird

5. Snack Station
Weddings are long and kids get hungry. Popcorn, cookies, cheese-its, goldfish and other snack foods will calm the kiddos tummies and keep them happy!
Photo Credit: Annabel Karmel

6. Yard Games
Games such as Tic-Tac-Toe and giant Jenga are great options for an outdoor wedding. Chalk, Soccer balls, baseball bats, and footballs are also fun and entertaining.
children_playing_lawn_games_outdoor_minnesota_wedding.jpgPhoto Credit: Nick Wild Photography

7. Glow Sticks
Children love glow sticks and it will add some fun for everyone.let_love_glow_sticks_sign_wedding_entertain_kids.jpg
Photo Credit: RichDesignCo, Etsy

8. Piñata!
Who doesn’t love a piñata stuffed full of candy? It’s fun for you too!bride_and_groom_hitting_open_pinata_at_outdoor_wedding_.jpg
Photo Credit:Ashley Ludaescher Photography, Bridal Musings

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8 Ways To Keep The Kids Busy At Your Wedding