The Importance of Dating

There are many aspects to a relationship. When you first meet someone, you are overwhelmed with so many feelings. Feelings of excitement, joy, exhilaration, and anticipation. But sometimes, you can’t always trust your feelings because once those initial feelings of “hype” wear off, what are you left with? That is why it’s important to create a healthy marriage so that when tough times come, you will be confident that your marriage will whether any storm.

Dating is exciting for a reason!

Some people may become “serial daters” because they are seeking the thrill of meeting someone new. Sometimes, it does not paint a clear picture of who the person really is. It’s easy to put your best foot forward when you first meet someone. What matters most is what the chemistry is like once you really get to know that person. Lucky for you, the chemistry you have with your man was the real deal! To keep your relationship exciting, remember what it was like when the two of you first met. What was your conversation like? What did you wear? Do you remember what cologne he was wearing? Have fun reenacting your first encounter with your man. Do what you can to get those sparks flying again!

Don’t be afraid of the routine of life!

Let’s face it, life can get a little boring at times. Our daily schedules are filled with lots of routine! But routine is what can help you get to your goals faster. If you didn’t have routine, it may be difficult to get specific things done. Even if you lead a very different life from your husband/fiance, you can still find ways to create excitement amongst the routine of daily life. Send him some funny snap chats or text messages. Plan an exciting adventure for the weekend. Having things to look forward to can help your relationship in many ways!


Take the time!

Make sure that you are creating a safe environment for your man to open up and talk to you. Make sure that your relationship has a good balance. Set aside time everyday to communicate. Turn off the tv shows for the night and play a game together. Make a fun drink and sit outside and look at the stars. Let the life that you live with your man be your form of entertainment for the night!

There is a reason that so many people agree that one of the best ways to create a safe and healthy marriage is to continue to date one another. Continue to put your best foot forward and get creative in finding ways to put the thrill and excitement back into your relationship! With that being said, what are you doing to strengthen your relationship?


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The Importance of Dating