The Journey…

journey 3 So, here you are…an engaged woman! You’ve got the man, you’ve got the ring, the journey is about to begin! This is truly a magical time in your life, but it is important to remember that things will soon change dramatically for you and your soon-to-be-husband. Marriage is a lifelong commitment meaning that you are committing to stay with each other through the good times and the bad. I know that this is stating-the-obvious, but it makes sense to consider that marriage isn’t necessarily easy. It takes work and dedication. You will experience a lot of personal growth on this journey. The best way to approach this topic is to be teachable. Allow you’re soon-to-be spouse to give you helpful criticism. Help each other with your weaknesses and praise the strengths that he has. It can be very easy to point out the negative, but remember to treat your fiancé the way that you want to be treated. For example, I woke up this morning to find a note from my husband that read “I am so proud of the woman that you are becoming!” I now read this note frequently because it gives me the encouragement I need to continue to strive to become a better version of me.

journeyNow is a great time to really identify the type of person you are. Are you ready to make this lifelong commitment? Are you getting married for the right reasons? I have heard too many stories about marriages falling apart because the couple wasn’t actually ready to get married. I am sure that you have had this “talk” with your man frequently. If there is any time to critique your relationship, it’s now! There are many questions to consider after the deal has been sealed and you are preparing to marry each other. How well do you handle change? What do you expect your future to look like with the man you are going to marry? Share with each other your expectations and desires. Are you happy with being a stay at home mom in the future? Or will your husband expect you to continue to work full-time?

I personally have grown a ton in the last three years of my marriage. I have realized that it’s not about me. I think that we tend to be naturally selfish when it comes to certain things. When you are married, you soon realize that if you want a successful marriage you have to be willing to become a better person so that your spouse can enjoy who you were truly made to be. Have some personal alone time to really evaluate your strengths and your weaknesses. What are the things that you need to work on? How can you become a better you for the man of your dreams? He will greatly appreciate the personal growth that you are seeking to find!

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The Journey…