Plus-One 101

Who gets a plus-one? Who doesn’t get a plus-one? This is definitely a tricky part of the invitation process. Here’s a little guideline to assist you and help make some decisions. And remember…it is YOUR wedding day so you have the final say in who is invited!



Who Does Get A Plus-One?

Your Wedding Party!

You may think some of these people don’t need a plus-one at your wedding because they will essentially be with you the whole day anyways right? Well when it boils down to it, they have been there for you throughout the whole process and it is a kind gesture that they will appreciate. For all the time and money they have spent on you and your husband, they earned that plus-one.

Anyone Who Is Married/Living Together/Engaged

This is kind of a given for people who are married. Even if you haven’t met that persons significant other, they deserve the option of bringing them with. I know if I was in that position I wouldn’t want to attend without my husband/fiance. If you know that they have a serious relationship with someone, it’s essentially the polite thing to do and in the end everyone will have more fun if they know more people! Now do you give your 17-year old cousin’s significant other the plus-one? That’s where things get tricky and you and your partner will have to discuss a yes or no.

Any Other Random Important Guest

For any other random guests such as your moms high school best friend or anyone flying in who won’t know anyone, it is important to also give them the option to bring someone along. It will make them feel more comfortable attending.

Who Does Not Need A Plus-One?


This is a difficult category in it’s own when it comes to invites. Usually they say only invite them if you hangout with them outside of work. Avoiding any and all work drama is always a good idea and you definitely don’t want to be the center of it. When it comes down to plus one’s, if one person gets one, then everyone else should too. It isn’t smart to pick and choose because you never know who will be upset from it. It’s best to just skip the plus-one’s all together.

Guests Who Are Casually Dating

If you aren’t sure if someone is still with their boyfriend of three months, they probably don’t need a plus-one. On the other hand, if someone has been casually dating the same person for 6 months and you have the budget to invite a lot of people, then it would be a nice gesture.


Order extra invitations!! If you have people who you weren’t sure if you should invite and are still on the fence if you should, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Plus, ordering in bulk is always cheaper!

Make sure your wedding venue fits everyone and your food/catering options include the plus-one’s!

see the latest ideas and advice

Plus-One 101