Where You Belong…

When you are in love, it is completely normal to get “wrapped up in each other.” When I first met my man, all I wanted to do was be with him. I didn’t really care about anything else! We both, were, and still are head over heels in love with each other! But after being married for almost four years, we have come to realize that we really do need some good friends in our lives. It is important to have the support of friends and family in your life, especially as newlyweds. To be honest, I personally still have the habit to only want to hang out with my husband. I guess I have just gotten use to him being my best friend. We both are realizing that it is healthy to pursue relationships with other couples.

Develop good habits early on in your relationship!

Be sure to make time to pursue friendships with others. This doesn’t mean that you need to have a girls night every night of the week, but going out with some girlfriends and catching up can provide support that only good girlfriends can provide. Sometimes my husband can just tell when I need to have a good old fashioned girls night! Friends can handle you talking their hear off a lot better than your man can sometimes!

Get involved in activities together!

This is a great way for you and your man to bond and share the same experiences together. Get involved in church activities together. Find a church that you feel is a good fit, and stay committed to going until you develop some relationships. Consistency can sometimes be the hardest part. If you are not showing up every week, on a regular basis, it is very easy to just give up and stop trying.

Pursue a hobby together!

Find something that you both enjoy doing and pursue getting involved somehow. There are a lot of options and groups that you can join. This can be something that you both look forward to doing together every week!

The important thing to remember is that you have each other. You are each others best friend! So have fun exploring all of the different options that will make you the strongest couple ever!

Spending Wisely

Through the years many of us have developed our own spending habits. I am sure that the way you spend money is different from the way your fiance spends money. If you do not openly and honestly discuss this matter with your man, you will soon find that it can become the number one stress in your relationship! So, my advice is to communicate with him as much as possible regarding this matter.

What are your financial goals?

Have you been paying off certain debts for years? Is your fiance aware of these debts? The debts that both you and your fiance have are not going to disappear when you get married. Set up an automatic debt pay off option. By doing this, you can focus your attention on things other than the stress of the debt that you have to pay off every month! Try not to think about how much debt you may be in. This negative thinking can keep you in debt longer than you want to be. Pay off what you can and stay positive!

Do you really need that?

I know that it can be very easy to charge whatever you want or feel like you need, to a credit card. This impulse buying can send you into a whole world of debt that could take years to pay off! When you are faced with a decesion to buy something, simply ask yourself if you really need whatever it is that is tempting you. If you take this time to think before buying, the feeling could pass more easily and you will be left feeling proud of yourself for not spending your hard earned money on something you didn’t really need!

Get creative!

You and your fiance can have fun spending your money wisely together! Planning a wedding is expensive in itself, so why not become extra frugile in your relationship! Instead of going to dinner and a movie, make dinner together! Plan a menu, buy the ingredients and have a nice candlelight dinner together. Go to a discount movie theatre! Or, simply rent a movie! Try playing some board games together! Being creative in your quest to save money will be a bigger pay off than you think!

see the latest ideas and advice

Where You Belong…