The Answer to Your Wedding Workout Problem Is Here

Congratulations! He liked it so much he put a ring on it but now it’s time to put it in a dress. Don’t panic! Your life is likely about to get pretty crazy while you plan a wedding but finding time to tone up and slim down before the big day is totally possible. Whether you have big transformation goals or would just like to tighten things up, you can make it happen””we promise. If you’re visualizing the never-ending to-do list wedding planning brings and cringing at the thought of squeezing in your workouts on a regular basis, you aren’t alone. What you need is a workout packed with intensity that won’t have you spending hours at the gym, so you can focus on preparing to tie the knot!

It’s time to get HIITched before getting hitched.

Your first fitness instinct might be to hit the treadmill, but the truth is””you won’t see all the
results you’re looking for in order to get ready for the big day. In order to tone up, you need to
incorporate elements of strength training. In fact, people who focus on cardio lose out on the
extended calorie-crushing benefits that strength training provides. Cardio is attractive because
of its calorie burning ability, but you may not see the toning you hoped for and the lasting
benefits such as increasing your resting metabolic rate (that helps you burn calories at a more
efficient rate all day long) that strength training provides.

For those who want to find a workout that can do both, HIIT classes are a great alternative!
HIIT, or high intensity interval training, combine both cardio and strength training into a jam-
packed class, often in a shorter period of time. Many worry about sacrificing pure cardio work
and the calorie burning benefits they provide, but you don’t have to worry! You can burn a lot
of calories during a HIIT class, too. Check out Livestrong’s HIIT calorie burn equation that can
help you guesstimate how much juice you’ll get for the squeeze. A typical class alternates
between high intensity activities and periods of recovery, making the most efficient use of your
time in the studio.

Take it up a notch before tying the knot.

HIIT classes are great, but what if you’re looking to take it to the next level? Well, lucky for
you””Basecamp Fitness is here to answer the call. Basecamp Fitness, a revolutionary HIIT-
inspired concept, is coming to the North Loop straight from California. What makes Basecamp
different from a traditional HIIT class? Short recovery periods. In a Basecamp workout you’ll
find short rounds alternating back and forth between cardio and strength which allows you to
exercise at a higher intensity. Right when your body is about tap out on one movement you
switch to something new.In other words, Basecamp’s intensity hits the max and keeps pushing
your limit until the very last second of class.

You might be wondering what makes the class so intense, we’ll tell you: the Assault Bike (aka
the Beyoncé bike, as she’s rumored to use them in her training). The Assault Bike is a stationary

bike like no other. It uses your power to fight back against you, taking your workout to the next
level ensuring you get the most out of your workout, every time. The current record for calories
burnt on the Assault Bike is set at a whopping 87 per minute. Now, those results aren’t
typical””but Basecamp classes will help you burn major calories and build lean muscle with a
blend of 35 action-packed minutes of strength and cardio. The classes are led by incredible
instructors who make sure you stay engaged and push yourself to your limit. Plus, the classes
are filled with electric energy from fellow Basecampers making these workouts perfect for
those who find themselves easily bored with their workout routines. The classes focus on
specific areas and are posted ahead of time, so if you want to focus on your arms or maybe
want to tone up your legs””there are workouts tailored just for you.

Once you’ve finished crushing the cardio and strength portion of the workout, you’ll hop off the
bike and head to the mat for an optional 10 minutes of ab-building core work. The classes are
designed to ensure you don’t waste a second and get the most complete workout done in the
shortest amount of time. Classes are finished in 45 minutes which means you have 23 ¼ hours
left to choose vendors, find venues and””hopefully””taste test a few cakes with time to spare.

What are you waiting for?

Don’t let the intensity scare you. Basecamp is for everyone from beginners to hardcore
athletes. Because the assault bike is powered by you and resists as much as you push””you can
make the workout as strenuous as you can handle. The instructors are there to help you
become stronger, faster. Click here if you’re ready to try a class as you get in shape to walk
down the aisle!

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The Answer to Your Wedding Workout Problem Is Here