A Personal Experience with Getting Rid of Forehead Lines

Eleven is a good number. It’s a little bit over ten and for all you math lovers, it’s a prime number. It’s a nice amount of cash to have to buy that amazing Matcha Smoothie from whatever café of your choice, but one thing that I don’t like about the number eleven is it showing up in the center of my forehead between my eyebrows. Number eleven there: no bueno.

For quite some time, I have wanted my “elevens” to disappear, but was at a loss as to how to get rid of these lines in the middle of my forehead. They would make their way into photos and at times I would be like, “Hmm, I’m smiling but somehow I still look angry in this photo.” Seriously. Who wants to look angry in photos? And people, don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I was obsessing over these lines, but there would be times that I would look in the mirror after a long day of being in the sun and driving or being in front of the computer and see how deep these creases were. And don’t get me started on my pores that would also get clogged due to the pressure of skin being pulled together by these little, but oh-so-mighty forehead muscles.

For years I’ve researched “How to get rid of my “elevens”. There was one article that said, “Sleep with medical tape in the center of your forehead like an “˜X’ marks the spot, to train the muscles to not migrate towards the center of your face.” Tried it. Didn’t work (and who wants to sleep with tape on their face at night? Not me).

I’ve seen amazing results with some skin care products, but like most women, the money and the time it would take to get the results I wanted wasn’t for me. I had entertained the thought of potentially doing Botox but was also a bit scared of having that “surprised” look all the time. And while looking surprised is a little bit better than looking angry, I erred on the side of just living with my elevens.

Fast forward to a couple months ago, after becoming a Client Manager with Forever Bride, I’ve had the opportunity to be in contact with a TON of amazing professionals. Back in April of this year, the fabulous ComplexionSkincare/Med Spa in Excelsior, MN signed onto becoming part of the Forever Bride Family (which means YOU get a special discount if you’re signed up with us…read on for that discount).


Just a couples months ago, I was given the opportunity to connect with these incredible women and we decided that I would be a great candidate for trying out Dysport to solve my elevens problem.

For those of you who are curious about Dysport, it is not botox (as I found out), but rather a “more natural-looking, faster-acting, longer-lasting,” serum that is injected into the muscles where “unwanted lines” appear.

Karla McCaustland, the owner of Complexions Skincare/ Med Spa also told me that “Instead of giving you the “˜frozen look,’ Dysport temporarily treats the facial muscles in just the area you want––such as between the eyebrows. With Dysport, it’s the frown lines between the eyebrows that are minimized, not your facial expressions.”

My thoughts on this: Me Like.

We scheduled my time to experience Dysport on July 26th and while I was SUPER excited to finally get rid of my dreaded elevens, I want to be honest: I was super nervous.


The big day rolled around and I made my way over to ComplexionSkinCare/Med Spa and was greeted by Alex, the amazing gate-keeper extraordinare, Maret (my nurse practitioner and Dysport specialist) and Karla.

These ladies ooze joy and are such a wonderful, welcoming spirit and right away I was set at ease. The space is also very warm and inviting, which is always nice when getting any type of procedure done. It felt like home.

Karla led me into my room where the Dysport would be administered. Clean? Check. Comfortable? Check. Bright.? Check. All good things I look for as attributes in a Med Spa.

Alex and Maret made their way over to the room and we began the process of getting down to business.

Now, let me transition here a bit and tell you all about Maret. This lady is no joke and is most definitely someone who I would suggest you look for when getting any procedure such as this done. Qualified is an understatement when it comes to Maret. She has been a registered nurse, practicing since 1993. For the last 22 years, she has worked in open heart surgery and started doing medical esthetics on the side two years ago.

After Maret went through having me make my “elevens” face, we were ready to begin the injection process. She put on her surgical gloves, filled up the syringe, and began walking me through what to expect post-procedure, how many days it would take to see results, and how many units they were using and why.

As she approached me with the needle in hand, she pinched my forehead to find where we needed to inject the Dysport.

One. Two. Three. Done. “That’s it!? Wow, it felt like nothing!” were my very words after this procedure. Next to having some little, tiny welts, I would not have even been able to tell that I had been pricked by a needle. Amazing and easy.

Fast forward to 3-4 days later:

It took the exact amount of time Maret said it would to see the results. I noticed that my muscles could not move to the forward of my face as forcefully as before on day 3. Even when I tried to force my muscles, they had lost most of their strength to migrate to the center of my forehead. Job well done, Dysport. Job well done.


Two-weeks later:

Friends, I am SO happy with the results. I have found that the skin in between my forehead does not have as deep of a cavern as it use to and is much smoother.

I want to show you the before and after in the photos below:

The photo on the left was from a video taken on May 3rd in the afternoon.

The photo to the right is me on August 2nd in the car in the morning.

Guys, in the past, I would already have been greeted with my elevens on my forehead, especially in the car and look, no lines!


So, who wants a discount?!!

Get your skin wedding ready with $50 off your first SkinPen Microneedling Treatment when you mention Forever Bride!!

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A Personal Experience with Getting Rid of Forehead Lines