The Perfect Spray Tan and Making it Last

Hey brides. Can you believe all the holiday parties that are coming up?! Plus, with this dreary winter that’s ahead of us, it can be hard to not feel ghostly. I (Sam) know I personally become gray, not even pale, but gray. So tanning has been in my life since high school. And with most of my high school experiences, they didn’t go to plan and I have horror stories that I can share later. But since the holidays are swiftly approaching I figured a lot of our listeners were probably thinking about tanning, so I figured we should bring in a professional! Let me introduce to you my amazingly talented friend, Marina Camarillo! Marina, can you share a little bit about yourself?

Description of Guest:

My names Marina Camarillo, I’m 27 years old entrepreneur. I created a company called The Bronze Hustle, a spray tan company, designed to make women feel sexy, healthy and confident to go conquer their dreams.

Did you grow up in MN? St Paul side? Did you also tan in high school & have a horrible experience? (Like me at homecoming in sophomore year)

Let’s start off with what the safest & healthiest way to tan is: Spray Tanning. How do you prep for that?

Prepping for the perfect spray tan:

Get Pedicures/ manicures prior to the session.

  •  acetone and soaking/ scrubbing will exfoliate tan faster

Wax at least 24 hours before the session.

  • You want enough time to let your pores close


  • I recommend for women with darker/ thicker hair to shave 24 hours prior to an airbrush again to allow time for your pores to close. Leaves dark dots where you shaved.


  • Loofah everything! Or use an exfoliating body wash free of alcohols and SLS aka Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is known to be a skin irritant. It can strip the skin of its natural oils which can cause dry skin. Avoiding cheaper drugstore products like Dove, Curel, and Jergens – they leave a film on the skin and will cause the tan to fade and become patchy.

What about Jergen’s self-tanner? I (Sam) used that in high school but it was absolutely horrible.

Tune in to hear Marina’s thoughts!

Don’t apply lotions/ deodorants

  • They create a barrier on the skin, also wearing deodorant will turn your airbrush green because of the aluminum. It shouldn’t affect the tan greatly, but it all depends on how much and how wide its spread.


  • Don’t get your hair done the same day as your session, any splashes at the sink or wet hair drips can cause streaking/dots.

We all have that one friend that loves to go the cheapest route. (If you don’t have that friend, it means you are that friend!) So if the worst-case scenario happens…

How do you fix a bad spray tan? 

Basically you want to remove skin cells rather than the tan itself, baby oil can help soften skin cells and makes them easier to exfoliate.

Exfoliate gently in circular motions, with warm soapy water.

Go to a steam room.

Soak in a hot tub, pool or bath.

Also, let your airbrush professional know what’s going on. They definitely don’t want an unhappy customer!

Now, what about if you have a really good tan? How can you increase longevity?

Don’t sweat at all while your tan is developing – how long does it develop for? Tune in to hear Marina’s answer!

Drinks lots of water.


Shaving increases exfoliation, so if that can be limited that will help.

Avoid soaking in tubs.

Avoid working out vigorously/sweating.

Most solutions are 8-hour solutions, some are 4 hours. Make a note of your recommended shower time t ensure your tan doesn’t come out looking unnatural.

Pat dry skin after showering, do not rub.

Avoid massages – the oils will strip your tan.

Don’t moisturize before your first shower.


– It’s all about making women feel healthy, sexy and confident.

– Check out The Bronze Hustle’s client spotlights on Instagram!

Instagram: @thebronzehustletanning

Facebook: @thebronzehustle


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The Perfect Spray Tan and Making it Last