Romantic Beach Wedding in Gulf Shores, Alabama

Ashley and Derek tied the knot in a romantic beach wedding in Gulf Shores, Alabama. These soulmates finally made things official at a wedding surrounded by their closest friends and family. A beautiful backdrop & glam touches really brought their love story to life. Keep reading to see all the details from their beachside nuptials!

bride and mom sharing a moment before the wedding

” My dress was THE favorite detail of the wedding, but I also loved my starfish hairpiece. It matched my dress and even though it was small, it was impossible not to notice. I really enjoyed tying in little details of the beach along with my classic ideas—the best of both worlds.” — Ashley

bride and groom at romantic beach wedding in Alabama
bride and groom at beach wedding in Alabama

” Our wedding day was the best day of my life thus far. It was absolutely perfect. We rented a large beach house in Gulf Shores, Alabama. We wanted it to be intimate, so we had our siblings and their children, parents, groomsmen and bridesmaids as guests. My favorite part was that our beloved dogs were also part of the wedding, as Dog of Honor and Best Dog.” — Ashley

wedding cake - romantic beach wedding in Gulf Shores
bride and groom at beach wedding in Alabama
Bride hugging Dad before wedding ceremony - romantic beach wedding in Gulf Shores

” I decided to do a first look with my Dad and all three of my younger brothers. I came down the stairs as they had their backs to me. When they turned around, the emotion was over-pouring. My very stoic brother who never shows much emotion even shed a tear. Other than my Husband (and dog) they are the most iconic men in my life. To share that moment was unforgettable.” — Ashley

bride and groom celebrating after romantic beach wedding in Alabama

More Details:

Date: April 28th, 2021

Location:  Gulf Shores/Fort Morgan Alabama

Wedding Song: “I’m Yours” by Andy Grammar

Photographer: Asher and Rose Photography and Shae X Jes Photography

Love this romantic beach wedding in Gulf Shores, Alabama? Read more real wedding stories here!

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Romantic Beach Wedding in Gulf Shores, Alabama