Trend Report: Ashley’s Microblading Experience – Why, Where, and How?

When semi-permanent makeup first became “talked about,” I could not wait to do my research. Having the perfect look without the use of make up sounded like a dream come true – and the ultimate time saver! One of the most popular forms of semi-permanent makeup is called microblading. It is a technique that creates perfect brows that can last for more than a year.

I first started considering microblading when I started to see some incredible before & afters on Instagram (like most millennialsdo when doing “research on social media”), and decided I had to give it a try, so I met with Ally of Highbrow Studio.


What is microblading?

“A tattoo, on your face?!” Not exactly. But if you are thinking of getting a tattoo, maybe start here!

Microblading is the art of adding hairlike strokes to one’s eyebrow in order to create more defined brow. The ink used in microblading is different than the ink in traditional tattoos. Microblading (or any other cosmetic tattoo ink) is considered “non-permanent,” meaning the ink slowly fades over 1-3 years. Just as the face changes shape as people age, no tattoo artist would ever put permanent ink on someone. Microblading also differs from regular tattooing because it is all done by hand, without a machine, and the ink does not go as deep into the skin, which is another reason it fades faster than a normal tattoo.


Did it hurt?

Surprisingly enough, microblading does not hurt. Here’s why:

The process for microblading was quite simple. When meeting with Ally, we talked about “brow goals,” (Is that a hashtag? If not, it should be! #browgoals) my daily routine, and what I was looking for long term. She then took the time to hand select the perfect color and trace out my perfect brow. The “perfect brow” is based off of your eye shape and any esthetician or brow specialist can help with that. I felt confident and comfortable with Ally during the entire process. She applied a numbing cream, after I approved the look, so I did not feel a thing. Remember, microblading is semi permanent, so it is important to find a brow artist that you trust and feel comfortable talking to in order to ensure you leave with the best looking eyebrows! Then, after about an hour or so, my eyebrows were revealed – and I must say, they looked (and still are) amazing!


What about recovery?

The healing process was also quite simple. Ally talked me through the aftercare and answered all of my questions. She is so knowledgeable! (Check out her website for more FAQ, she goes IN DEPTH!) After a few days, they became extremely dry and flaky, but I was assured that was completely normal and advised not to itch (and it took all the willpower I had not to!). Ally supplied me with an oil to put on my brows every day for about a week to ease the itchiness. Plus, a special face was to use while my eyebrows were healing. What a lifesaver that was! After about a month, they were healed! Ally also advised me to come in for a touchup, and while I was there I choose to take her advice to go a little darker and am so glad I did! This is another reason why it is important to go with a trusted professional, because you can rely on the advice they give!



Before (above) and after first treatment (below).


It has been over 2 months since my touch up & I couldn’t be happier with my results.
If you are interested in getting in touch with Ally, feel free to email, call her at (612) 234-2844, or see more of her work on her Forever Bride page. Make sure to mention “Forever Bride” for a special deal!


Ally, like me, had also stumbled upon the art of microblading on the internet. After finding her obsession with this technique, she could not wait to get them done herself! But, her hunt for the perfect artist came up short, and she knew what she had to do! She started looking into where microblading was being taught, and flew to Utah to take the course and the rest is history! She quickly started her own business and has loved making her clients feel beautiful and confident ever since. Her favorite part of the job is meeting her clients. She loves the challenges that come with microblading every set of brows. Each pair is so unique, that it is like a form of art and she feels it is her way of expressing her creativity. She even named her studio “Highbrow” so each client knows they are a high priority, and deserve the very best! She is located in Minneapolis, Minnesota and I could not recommend her enough! Did you know she even does the eyebrows of Becca from the Bachelorette?!


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Trend Report: Ashley’s Microblading Experience – Why, Where, and How?